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There has been some recent cases of cholera outbreak in some parts of Kenya. Some people may not take it seriously, but it is actually a very dangerous disease. Take it for granted and it will take your life. It does not discriminate as it kills both the young and old within hours.

So what is cholera? I think it is a bacterial infection of the intestine which causes severe diarrhea.

If you are travelling to parts of the world known to be affected by cholera, following basic precautions should prevent you from contracting a cholera infection

The disease is mainly caused by:

  • Contaminated food either bought from street vendors or raw and uncooked fish which is contaminated.
  • Contaminated  drinking water or drinks.
  • Poor sanitation.

According to WHO, about 75% of the infected do not develop any symptoms although it is present in their fecal matter, but they may include:


  • acute watery diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • severe dehydration.
  • It may lead to death if it goes untreated.

The World Health Organization recommends focusing on prevention, preparedness, and response to combat the spread of cholera. Although there is a vaccine against cholera, the CDC and World Health Organization don’t normally recommend it, because it may not protect up to half of the people who receive it and it lasts only a few months.

But you can prevent it by:


  • Using boiled water.
  • Using chemically disinfected water.
  • Avoid raw food.
  • Avoid unpasteurized milk and milk products.
  • Fish caught in contaminated areas.

Up to 80% of people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration salts but very severe cases require antibiotics to diminish the duration of diarrhea although it is not recommended as it has no effect on the spread of cholera and contributes to increasing antimicrobial resistance.

I hope our government has an adequate outbreak response strategy, because we will definitely need one.


African Queen.


Most of us ( including me) take this life that we live and the people surrounding us for granted.

How many times do we wake up in the morning and tell God thank you?

How many times do we call our loved ones just to say we love them?

How many times do we give back to mother nature?

We should live each day as if it is our last day on earth: that way we get to appreciate what we have before we loose it. Bu sometimes we have have to loose something before we realize how important it was to us. Also loosing something can also be a blessing to us in that it opens the door to other greater opportunities. You have to loose that job that you are so comfortable with so that you realize that business opportunity that is knocking on your door. But it doesn’t always work that way.

Loosing the ones we love is a very painful ordeal that no one wishes to experience. It destroys something in us that cannot be repaired no matter how hard we try. We can only move on but we can never forget them. So whenever you get the chance, go and visit the people you love and express your feelings towards them. Sit down for coffee and catch up on old times. Cherish every moment you have with them, because you never know whether you will have another one.

I am surrounded by so much love that i did not realize it until the day i moved fay away from home. That is when i started to feel the sadness emptiness inside. I love my family very much, but i have never stopped and told them how much they mean to me. But all that is about to change. I am going to cherish every moment i have with them and tell them how much i love them until i have no more vocabulary and no more gestures.

Another loving relationship we take for granted is the one we have with our maker the Lord Jesus Christ. He has always protected us from evil, He has always guided us to safe paths, He has always shown us His everlasting Love and support and we rarely take the time to go to His presence and say how grateful we are. His love for us is infinite and has no boundaries and we should appreciate Him for that.

I think it’s time we took a step back and analysed our lives, because we would not be where we are today if not for the people around us. I know i will.


African Queen.


When people get dumped, they always give flimsy excuses like ‘it is for the best they need to be alone’ so that they can cover up the pain and/ or anger they feel inside.

I myself I’ve been dumped before so i know how it feels like. Whether it is for the best or not depends on how you handle it. Relationships break up for different reasons. It is better to break up a relationship than to wait years and break up a marriage. Broken marriages destroy not only the two parties but others as well like the children.

Marriage break up because people either lost focus on why they got married in the first place, or because they got married for all the wrong reasons. I have often seen that it is the little things you do for your spouse that matter make a difference like calling them in the middle of the day just to tell them you love them, or or giving them a hug and a kiss when you wake up. It is the small gestures we make that touch our hearts more than the big extravagant ones. Dont get me wrong, taking them on a romantic weekend is definitely a plus, as long as you remember to also appreciate the little things also. The big gestures touch a heart when they are done with all the right intentions.

But hey, what do i know, i have never been married before.


African Queen.



I usually hear the phrase ‘ show me your friends and i will tell you who you are’. quite frankly i myself i do not believe that phrase is true. Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people but in my opinion it is having someone to share my issues with both good and the bad and they will give a damn. I have so many friends and they don’t all have the same characteristics. One of them is very loud and opinionated, another is silent and doesn’t talk much, but the underlined point is that when i am in need of a shoulder to cry on, they have always been there for me no matter what.

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for” Bob Marley.

Me and my friends have our good and our bad days, we fight, argue and have disagreements but when they hear that i need their help they have always been there for me. My friends have so many qualities both positive and negative, but the most beautiful quality that they have is to understand and to be understood. They are the only people apart from my family who really understand me, and i also understand them.


I cant really imagine where i would be today were it not for the support that my friends have shown me through out my life. Infact they are more than friends to me, i see them as part of my family.

Henry ford once said that ‘ my best friend is the one who brings out the best in me’ and it is true. My friends make the light in me shine bright with the many colours of the rainbow.

If there is anything i have learned about friendship is to hang in, stay connected, fight for them and let them fight for me also. I will not walk away or take them for granted because i know that they would do the same for me.

But my best friend in the world is not my other half, but the lady who gave life to me. She is the only person in the world i know who would give a limb for me. She gave up the best years of her life and sacrificed her youth and time to give me life and raise me into this beautiful lady that i am today. She sacrificed alot of her needs just to ensure that i have a good life. There is nothing in this world that i can give to her that can equal all that she has done for me. But i can atleast show her love and be a good friend in return.

Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures and i will not take it for granted.


African Queen.




Nowadays everyone is looking to make that extra cash. We all have the need for money because the cost of living has gone absolutely high. The price of medical care is increasing by the day, food prices have also sky rocketed, and getting basic education for our children is also becoming a huge challenge.

I was drowning in a pool of unbalanced bills until i discovered the secret to making some extra cash from the comfort of my bedroom. All i needed was internet connection and a reliable power source.

One of the ways of earning money is through affiliate marketing. This is normally done by talking about a client’s products and services and often followed by a link which leads to the client’s website.

There is the fact that web hosting fees may be paid through the income earned from being an affiliate and some affiliates can actually earn a substantial income from the merchants they work with. This does not mean, however, that it is as simple as signing up for an affiliate program. The affiliate has an incentive to get traffic delivered to the merchant’s site. When done well, the affiliate also benefits by being credited with the sale or lead.

Also exposure is key to any component of a marketing strategy. By having affiliates, you can have your product or service held out for the online world to see, and by staying present on appropriate sites, your exposure will increase exponentially by staying in tune with the correct, targeted demographics.
So next time your thinking of earning that extra income, just follow the link and become financially independent at your own pace…..https://www.linkbucks.com/referral/864045
African Queen.