As a lady, you are wondering why men are
constantly “using and dumping” you. Today I
wish to let you know of a few bitter facts,
though I stand to be corrected.
1. In this life, there are three types of ladies: the
wife materials, sex donors and flower girls.
(a) Wife materials are never public with pictures
of their body parts, making all noise on social
sites. They love genuinely; they may not dress
“attractively” at times but one thing they hold
within them – the art of true love and loyalty.
Hurt them, they will forgive and still love. Play
them, they will still forgive. To crown it all, run
away from them, make them cry but upon a
genuine repentance and come back, they will
receive you with open arms.
(b) Sex donors are described as “sexy” anytime
they post their pictures online. Men don’t see
them but their body parts. The only reason for
which men pursue them is to have a taste of
the shallowly hidden “worthless treasures” Men
spend all the monies on them, take them
anywhere but the reality, when the sun goes
down, and sex is the gold being looked for. The
funny thing is that these ladies are so myopic
with their future that they only see what their
thighs can offer. They attach no value to

(c) The flower girls are the updates of fashion.
New dressing, new walking style, new song,
new anything just consult them. They also
spend time online every time. The flower girls
are meant to do PR. Just provided people see
you with her, you “add value” They are pursued
by equally lost men who don’t know where they
come from and where they go to.

Having said that, I wish to state the following
bitter facts:
1. Just because you have CAPs (Chemically
Accelerated Protrusions) whether in front or
behind does not make you beautiful. Work on
your morality and be a woman.
2. You may be beautiful and all foxes in the
name of men are following you. You are so
“expensive” that your minimum is an MCA but
did you know the end of beautiful yet empty
women like you? No man can imagine marrying
a whore like you. That is why they take their
pinches and take French leaves. I know you
imagine how expensive you are and the way
you floss before your peers and roommates.
3. Nothing changes the life of a woman than a
productive and successful marriage. Stop
cheating us with illegally acquired urchins in
the name of children saying that you are ready
to be a single mother. These are cover ups to
breaking people’s marriages while snatching
people’s husbands.
4. The question I ask is this: You have all the
money, all the SAW (Sexually Acquired Wealth)
but with destroyed genitalia and shredded
destiny, no name, no identity, what is the
5. You may do all things to your God forsaken
body in order to look attractive, up to including
frying yourself in hot oil so as to be “always
ready for eating” but a time comes when all
these burden you and the truth dawns on you.

Go slowly and respect yourself.
I stop there for now.



African Queen.