My dearest mom,

Being a mother has given me so much joy and happiness. It has made me to remember ups and downs we’ve had together, and all the headache i caused. My tiny bundle of joy cant speak yet but i understand what he wants, in the same way you always knew what i wanted and what was best for me even though i was never grateful for it.

Being a mother has made me realize strengths i never knew i had to help me deal with the possible and the impossible every day.

In this cruel and selfish world you are the only one who has always wanted to see me succeed, in the same way i now want my son to grow up to be a happy and successful  man.

My life may not be a fairy tale but im trying to give my son the best of what i can manage, in the same way i am who i am today because you sacrificed alot for me.

We were taught in school that it takes someone really brave to be a mother and someone really strong to raise a child; being a mother i get it now. You always saw the best in me, even when i drove you crazy with attitudes and sleepless nights.

Of all the gifts and blessings that life has to offer, a loving mother like you is the biggest and greatest of them all, and i hope to be just like you.

I love you mom.


Your loving daughter,

African Queen.

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